This is part of my research, notes and drawings of the Neo-Fusion collection. I love this part of the process, it’s where I feel the most free and the most creative. I enjoy my creative time and experimenting with no expectations and no boundaries, just like a kid. I find it exciting to build the narrative through visuals and show you how I built this collection through storytelling.
The color palette is inspired by nature, most of the colors are muted using a gray tone that creates a faded look without changing original hue. This is a reflection of how time can also impact the colors we see and how we experience them in the present.
The fabrications are used in a fresh new way, illustrating the product they represented in the past. Even though they served a different function in its past their relationship and functionlaity has now changed and will form a new connection in this collection. The materials are all being reused from existing clothes.
01_Archive inspiration images, moodboard
03_Inspiration Image
04_Inspiration Image
05_Inspiration Image
06_Inspiration Image